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Gazing on the Gospels Year C - Proper 19 Year C
Gazing on the Gospels Year C - Proper 19 Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 19 Luke 15: 1-10 Gaze on the hunt for a set of lost keys. Your panic rises as you riffle through your handbag or pockets, searching for the door key. You’re locked out and it’s cold and wet. What can be worse than that?...
The Lost Coin
The Lost Coin
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Fourth Sunday of Lent Joshua 5.9–12 2 Corinthians 5.16–21 Luke 15.1–3, 11b–32 Luke, the expert writer, puts the prodigal son as the third of a set of stories about losing and finding. All of the stories emphasize God’s joy at finding what had been lost, but the story of the p
52 Reflections on Faith - Jesus the teacher: words and deeds
52 Reflections on Faith - Jesus the teacher: words and deeds
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Jesus the teacher: words and deeds We can probably all remember particular teachers we had at school. Some stick in the mind as ‘good teachers’, but we probably remember others because we didn’t like them, got on the wrong side of them or were hopeless at their subjects…
LWPT Meditations - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 1st Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10 If we do not believe that we are infinitely precious to God, we will miss the significance of so much that is in the scriptures. The doctrine of God’s grace focuses on the fact
The Power of the Parable - Example Parables
The Power of the Parable - Example Parables
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
chapter 2 Example Parables Go and Do – or Don’t Do- Likewise Once upon a time, long, long ago, theologians used to debate whether God was all- present, all- knowing, and all- powerful. That, of course, is not God, but Google. If you look up “parable” in that ethereal omniscience,
9 results